
IB Curriculum

IB Curriculum is an integration of all subjects together. We will be making connections between concepts we learn, and understand that everything is connected in some way, which relates to the world.

  • We are focusing on reading, word attack, sound combinations, sentence structure, grammar, and developing fluency.
  • In writing, we will focus on sentences and paragraph structure. Writing informative, opinion, and narrative pieces.
  • In Math, working on a strong number sense, addition, subtraction, multiplication, measurement and geometry, and word problems.
  • Science and Social Studies will lead our IB Units while also following our state standards.
  • 2nd grade IB transdisciplinary themes and central idea will be:

  • Who We Are
    Awareness of our characteristics, abilities, and interests influences relationships in our community.

    How We Organize Ourselves
    People may create systems to organize their communities and make societal decisions.

    Where We are in Place and Time
    Location of the world’s water can influence where and how people live.

    Sharing the Planet
    Materials behave and interact in certain ways, which may determine how people use them.

    How the World Works
    Plants depend on animals for pollination.

    How We Express Ourselves
    People may express their appreciation of nature through the arts.